Funding for Patient Advocacy Program to provide Yadkin County residents facing cancer with intensive staff involvement to secure in-kind medication assistance programs and also provide direct financial assistance for emergency unmet cancer treatment needs.
Funding to provide safe and nurturing care for children removed from their homes due to child abuse, neglect and at-risk environment, with a safe home environment, food, clothing, medical, dental, and mental health care and education support.
Funding to provide a monthly supper and monthly fresh produce packs to decrease food insecurity for East Bend seniors, as well as providing activities to decrease social isolation and loneliness.
Funding for fitness equipment to offer firefighters the opportunity to become more fit and health conscious, as well as placing a camera training system in a meeting room area to allow the firefighters to have complete access to all meetings and lecture-based training opportunities.
Funding for staff to assist patients with paperwork (including proof of income from each patient, prescriptions, and signatures) and other follow-up needed to receive medical benefit.
Funding for the Community Outreach Arm of Impact Yadkin to build multiple wheelchair ramps and replace roofs.
Funding to support charitable care expenses for patients living in Yadkin County who are not insured or underinsured and cannot afford to pay for their hospice care.
Funding for the purchase of digital and printed materials to meet the needs of communities, especially bridging the digital divide, encouraging and enhancing literacy/reading, and increasing accessibility.
Funding to provide support and funding to help four people open licensed child care homes in Yadkin County. Technical assistance will be provided each step of the way to offer guidance to these new family child care homes.
Funding to extend staff time for a licensed therapist with a Master's degree to provide therapeutic trauma treatment.
Funding for the Education Outreach Program to provide free arts opportunities to Yadkin County Schools through the Page to Stage and Powers of Poetry programs.
Funding for the vehicle extrication equipment improvement project, specifically addressing heavy vehicle lifting equipment and resources.
Funding to reduce food insecurity among Yadkin County seniors by providing a hot evening meal twice monthly, as well as some take-home activities.
Funding for repair of the existing park signage and monuments, improving security and lighting for safety of guests, volunteers, and historical collection. Funds will also help purchase low-maintenance, weather resistant seating and picnic tables to encourage community fellowship and educational hands-on learning.
Funding for the provision of fresh produce, activity books/games, and self care/toiletry items for seniors who are enrolled in the Senior Nutrition Program. Fresh packs will be delivered monthly by volunteers.